Modify the PICDEM FSUSB demos for 2550/breadboard. Leds connected to PORTC 0..3 1. Make a copy of HardwareProfile - PICDEM FSUSB.h, call it HardwareProfile - PICDEM FSUSB 2550.h 2. Edit HardwareProfile.h, add a line: #if defined(__18CXX) #if defined(__18F4550) #include "HardwareProfile - PICDEM FSUSB.h" #elif defined(__18F2550) // #include "HardwareProfile - PICDEM FSUSB 2550.h" // Added 3. Change the processor type im MPLAB (Configure, select device) to 18F2550 Actual edits needed are to change all occurences of LATD to LATC as LATD does not exist on 2550